ThesesAssistDrawer 4.8.5

ThesesAssistDrawer is a MS Word addin that can help you easily configure the layout of your thesis, paper or science article. The utility comes with fast inserting captions, quick generation thesis templates, fast editing references, fast insertion of equations and tables, intelligent document recording location, quick-inserting footnotes, fast-placing several figures, and many other capabilities.
The program enables you to easily manage thesis template layouts. You can also generate thesis templates featuring auto-numbered headings with a single mouse click. In addition, it offers you the possibility to include cross-references to headings, captions, pages and references with minimum effort. References can be edited or added by automatically merging consecutive cross-references, or by listing end notes and paragraphs. Complex keyboard operations or shortcut keys commands can be easily executed, as well.
Price: for lifetime license.
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6 votes Vote

Make it available for other word processors

See above idea.
Mick, 29.12.2019, 10:38
1 comment
2 votes Vote

keep a hidden "history" of any "graphic"

I would like to have a hidden (ie, cannot be printed out accidentally) history for every photograph, illustration or graphic where I can store where it has been obtained from, and what copyright clearance I have for using it. That way if there is...
Tony, 29.12.2019, 15:59
1 comment